Follow along for the cutting, piecing, and squaring up of Block One for the Chaos Coordinator Quilt.
Cutting begins at 01:25
Sewing begins at 10:04
Squaring up begins at 31:40
For this tutorial we will be covering the cutting, sewing and squaring up of Block 2 of the Chaos Coordinator quilt pattern.
Cutting begins at 00:54
Sewing begins at 05:55
Squaring up begins at 21:44
In this tutorial I will demonstrate how to cut, sew and square up Block 3 for the Chaos Coordinator quilt pattern.
Cutting begins at 00:45
Sewing begins at 02:45
Squaring up begins at 12:25
In this tutorial we will be covering the cutting, piecing and squaring up of Block 4 of the Chaos Coordinator quilt pattern.
Cutting beings at 00:20
Piecing begins at 06:00
Squaring up begins at 17:55